
New Security Vulnerability Affects Current Mac OS Users

Not long ago, a critical flaw in Linux SUDO was discovered and is being tracked as CVE-2021-3156. Given the nickname "Baron Samedit," it's a flaw in a Unix program that allows system ...

Staying Up To Date On Software Patches Is Critical

Google's Project Zero security team has an impressive track record when it comes to chasing down and addressing the most critical security flaws found. They're tireless in their work, which has saved ...

Music Searches On Google Desktop Got A Helpful Update

These days, smart devices seem to get the lion's share of developer time and attention, but Google has recently made a few changes to their desktop search that have made entries easier ...

With New Update iPhone Adds iMessage Security Feature

Do you have a favorite app you use for chatting or for keeping in touch with family and friends? Most people have a go-to app that serves as their first choice, and ...

Hackers Using Minecraft Modpacks To Distribute Malware On Android Devices

If you're an avid gamer, you're almost certainly at least passingly familiar with Minecraft, and you may be an active player. Despite its blocky, simplistic graphics, it's the most popular game of ...

Transparency Coming To Chrome Extension Data Collection

If you employ a number of Chrome web extensions to enhance your browsing experience, be aware that change is afoot. Google recently announced that as of early next year, the company is ...

People Are Paying Ransomware Attackers In Large Numbers In 2020

Hackers have increasingly gravitated to ransomware attacks in 2020, as being one of the best and most reliable paths to a payday. That brings to mind an interesting question though. Naturally, the ...

Passwords In 2020 Are Easy To Guess And Not Secure

It's time once again for a survey of the worst passwords of 2020, brought to you by Norpass and associates. The company has been analyzing passwords retrieved from the Dark Web to ...

Pluto TV User Information Is Being Shared Online By Hacker

Are you a user? If so, you're not alone. The internet television station boasts an impressive user base of nearly thirty million users who enjoy a wide range of free TV ...

New Version Of Jupyter Malware Spotted In The Wild

Researchers from cybersecurity company Morphisec have recently discovered a new strain of malware they believe has been in the wild of the internet since at least May of this year (2020). Dubbed ...


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Suite 210
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2020 N. Academy Blvd, STE 236
Colorado Springs CO 80909